
We bear the responsibility whenever our business activities impact our business partners, society, the environment or our employees.

Printed in Switzerland

We are proud to be a Swiss production facility and endeavor to support our local partners whenever we can. As a member of viscom, the Swiss association for professionals and employers in the graphic design industry, we always strive to make sure that the materials used in our premium products originate from local or regional partners.

As a Swiss family business, we take our responsibility toward the next generation seriously – for example, by giving young people the opportunity to complete an apprenticeship in one of our business divisions each year.


When processing materials provided by our partners, we treat the environment with care and respect. In addition, we apply the latest technical trends in our production facilities.

We also support the myclimate foundation – particularly the “Jura Forest Preserve” project – with direct donations. Forest owners in this 174-hectare preserve in the district of Délémont have agreed to stop using its wood for 99 years. The municipalities of Bourgeoisie Soulce and Undervelier will be compensated for this non-utilization at up to 70% by the Federal government and the canton. The other 30% will be financed with funds from CO₂ certificates issued by the myclimate foundation. If more forest can be left to grow undisturbed, it will mean less CO₂ in the atmosphere and more biodiversity. This is a project that is very dear to our heart, and we are always happy whenever we can inspire one of our customers to support it.



In these times of increasing environmental awareness and climate debate, the old proverb “waste not, want not” has become more apt than ever. Bubu AG has already been keeping wood shavings to a minimum for many years. Waste heat is used to boil hot water, all residual materials are recycled, and unnecessary transportation is avoided by optimizing the production processes and supply chains. As for sustainable forestry, for nearly 10 years now the company has been ensuring that all standard paper and cardboard from suppliers is FSC®-certified. 

We are audited once a year by the external body SQS. With this commitment, we are demonstrating our support for independent, nonprofit, and sustainable forest management and helping to protect ecological, social, and economic rights.

Energieeffizienz + Klimaschutz

Wir investieren in den Klimaschutz.

Für mehr Energieeffizienz und das Einsparen von Energie sind wir mit dem Bund eine Vereinbarung über 10 Jahre eingegangen. Jährlich werden die getroffenen Massnahmen durch act evaluiert und immer weiter entwickelt.

Durch dieses Vorgehen kann ein wertvoller Beitrag an den Klimaschutz geleistet werden.