Spectrum 3
Would you like to gain an overview of the different types of binding and paper? Order our sample set "Spectrum 3" to compare the materials and binding types.
The box includes 6 book types (hardcover, flat book, flat book open, softcover, wire-o binding, stitch binding) with all the binding types available, with different materials and fittings in A5 portrait format.
Cost: CHF 65.– (including value added tax, packaging and shipping to Switzerland, shipping abroad based on the costs incurred)
Spectrum 2
Spectrum 2 is Bubu's hard cover sample collection. The box contains 14 different hard cover volumes in four languages (D/F/I/E). All samples are produced by machine. Identical paper and a consistent format make comparisons easier.
Cost: CHF 240.– (including value added tax, packaging and shipping to Switzerland, shipping abroad based on the costs incurred)
Spectrum 1
Spectrum I is Bubu's soft cover sample collection comprising 19 different brochures in four languages (D/F/I/E).
The box has become an indispensable working tool for many book designers. The collection of samples allows instructors and consultants to clearly explain the most important soft cover binding methods.
The box is currently not available